Sustainable housing company

A sustainable and responsible housing company takes economic, social and environmental responsibility

When talking about sustainable development, it means the effort to continuously improve the conditions of society so that future generations will also have good and safe living conditions. 

Sustainable development is divided into three categories; economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and social sustainability. 

In a housing association, these are taken into account in housekeeping, comfort and energy use. 

The less waste, energy and water consumed, the more resources and owners' money saved.

Economic sustainability

A responsible housing company builds its finances in a sustainable way so that its assets, liabilities and future investments are in balance and it is prepared for surprises and anticipates future changes.

PTS, maintenance report, financial statements, financial calculations, investor plan, sustainability report, budget, strategy

Ecological sustainability

Maintaining and preserving nature's biological carrying capacity for future generations. A responsible housing company strives through its actions and choices to achieve the most sustainable and responsible housing, renovation and use of resources.

Carbon footprint, carbon handprint, energy certificate, sustainability report

Social sustainability

A responsible housing association is a good place for all people to live, without discrimination. The manager and the board treat all tenants equally and build a safe living environment for everyone.

Housing Company Act, principle of equality, good governance, responsibility report

Sustainability report - a housing company's roadmap towards sustainable living

The sustainability report will be based on the existing documents of the housing company, interviews with the board and the property manager, the development plan, emerging reporting needs and the carbon footprint report to be calculated. 

Just as many housing associations are facing also take a position on short-term rentals (e.g. Airbnb) and often the investor is already interested in these issues before making a purchase decision. Transparency on both sides and clear rules improve the position of all parties.

The Sustainability Report supports UN Sustainable Development Goalswhich global communities are working to stop global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius. 

A responsible housing company takes sustainable principles into account in its investments and daily instructions - what is the situation of your housing company?

Everyone has _interests_. The actions of all communities, businesses and individuals can make a difference to the environment, people and the economy, now and in the future. What is your housing association's strategy for sustainable development?

1. Our housing company is not subject to the Sustainable Development Goals

2. We are aware of the Sustainable Development Goals

3. Our housing company's strategy takes into account sustainable and responsible practices 

4. Our housing association has defined, monitors and develops annually targets and indicators for more responsible housing.

= Sustainable and responsible housing company

In a sustainable and responsible housing association

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