News: upcoming EU project funding
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In Finland and the EU, funding is directed towards projects that promote both sustainable development and digitalisation.
In Finland, there are several different bodies through which you can apply for funding for both renovation projects and expert services.
The newest forms of financing are green loans from banks and the EIR guarantee.
We help housing associations and especially tourism companies with project development and design of real estate.
Financing sustainable and responsible development for housing associations
ARA grants energy subsidies for renovation projects to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings in 2020-2022.
Grants can be applied for by housing associations, associations owning rental housing financed by the state and housing associations with a right to housing, for which
subsidised loans for renovation, and for detached houses
are owned by individual customers. Grants cannot be awarded to others
entities engaged in an economic activity or entities whose
more than half of the shares are held by entities engaged in economic activities
owned by.
The number of rechargeable electric vehicles (full electric cars and rechargeable hybrids) is growing. Several housing companies are planning to install charging points in the coming years. ARA provides grants to residential building owners for modifications to the electrical systems of their properties to accommodate electric vehicle charging points.
For: housing associations
Funding: 35% grant, minimum 5 charging points
For an increasing number of donors, it is important that the recipient has an understanding of its own material impacts in the ESG field. This is strongly linked to the so-called green loans, sustainable loans where the promotion of sustainability is a basic requirement. For example, a green loan can be applied for for an energy renovation of a housing company if the energy renovation can achieve a 30% improvement in energy efficiency.
The EIF risk-sharing guarantee from the European Investment Fund is offered by donors under certain conditions. The EIF guarantee is for companies and housing associations that promote, for example, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, the use of environmentally sustainable materials, the circular economy or low emissions.
Grants and funding for sustainable and responsible development for businesses
The innovation voucher is for SMEs with a new product or service idea that has the potential for international growth and needs external expertise to take it forward. The innovation voucher can help you to acquire expert services that will bring new knowledge and skills needed for innovation to your company.
Funding: 100% funding, €5000 banknote (no start-up costs)
Who: SMEs looking to enter international markets (not housing companies)
The Ely-Keskus has a business development grant as one form of funding, with aid rates ranging from investment (30%) to development measures (50-60%).
Development grant must be applied for before the project starts. The grant will be paid on the basis of the progress of the project, following a separate application.
Energy aid can be granted for investment and pilot projects by companies and communities that promote the production and use of renewable energy, energy saving, more efficient energy production or use, or otherwise contribute to the long-term decarbonisation of the energy system. The aid must have a significant impact on the start-up of the project.
An energy subsidy is funding that we pay to your organisation based on your reported real costs.
Funding: the investment cost of the project must be at least EUR 10 000 and there is no upper limit on the size of the project. The funding is a grant, i.e. it does not have to be repaid. No aid will be granted for projects that have been started before the grant decision. The earliest eligible costs are those incurred from the date of the financing decision.
The funding is intended for circular economy investments by companies operating in Finland that improve the level of environmental protection beyond EU standards or increase waste recycling with solutions that go beyond the current state of the art. The circular economy investments to be funded will contribute to the development of the circular economy in Finland.
Who: SMEs
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Do you need help planning the financing of a sustainable real estate project? Looking for the right certification for your accommodation business? Ask about projects and funding