Energy certificate was originally developed for purchase-sale and rental situations, so that a single document can be used to identify energy efficiency and energy efficiency improvement measures in a home that could influence the purchase or understanding of a home purchase. Yet it has remained a somewhat alien and technical document that is a "must do". The energy certificate is still house specific and provides a wide range of information on either the exact or calculated values and consumption of a house, making it an excellent tool for improving the energy efficiency of a dwelling.
Carbon footprint report for housing uses the energy certificate and other documents of the housing company to produce a human, understandable and goal-oriented summary of the energy efficiency of the building and how to improve it. The summary is based on accurate information about the building, obtained through surveys of residents, rather than on calculated values.
Carbon footprint report for housing supports life cycle carbon footprint and carbon handprint but, unlike the latter, a carbon footprint report for housing can be done for a dwelling at any time. It can be done for older houses and houses where no major extension renovations are planned.
Carbon footprint report for housing produces a clear outcome, the carbon footprint of housing, which is co-measured in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents, or co2e, which is the generally accepted way of expressing the climate impact of things' greenhouse gas emissions over 100 years. Of the Finnish carbon footprint, 30% comes from housing and the overall Finnish housing carbon footprint is 2000-3000 kg co2e. According to the Level(s) scale, the carbon footprint of housing also gives the carbon footprint per square metre.
Carbon footprint report for housing is therefore first and foremost a sales report, made for people, which tells the story of thethe carbon footprint of your house or apartment. The carbon footprint of a dwelling can also be calculated for a single dwelling if all the necessary documents and figures are available. The aim is to get the buyer or investor interested in environmental and energy efficiency issues by quickly and clearly explaining the intentions of the housing company with regard to emissions from housing.